Some Things Never Change

A few days ago, I started reviewing some of the older posts on my blog. This didn't take too long since I haven't been nearly as prolific in my writing as I had intended. One thing that caught me slightly off guard, though, was that there was a post from a couple years ago that had the same title and a very similar premise to a post I wrote just a couple weeks ago. This was not intentional in the least, but it was definitely interesting to see.

I'm not the same person I was yesterday (let alone two years ago!), but in some small way, it is still rather refreshing to see that I'm not entirely different either. I'm still me - the spoiler loving geek who wrote two spoiler-themed posts two years apart, a poet, a lyricist, a trombonist, and many other qualities that have stayed constant for many years and hopefully will for many years to come. If you get to know me now, chances are you'll still be able to recognize many of the same qualities in me for many years to come.

Yes, I'm constantly changing, growing, and maturing, but by the grace of God, this is all too make me the best me I can be. I look forward to seeing more of this growth, buy I'm also excited to see which parts don't change.


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