You Jealous, Bro?

There is a terrible disease that will only serve to destroy those who contract it. That disease is jealousy. It keeps us from being satisfied with what we have. It makes us bitter against those who we think have more or are in a more favorable position than us. 

Jealousy is closely related to another equally deadly disease - pride. Pride is the notion that we are better or more deserving than others. Pride causes us to exalt ourselves, to think more highly of ourselves than we should. We become the star of our own show, and think, "no one can compare to me!"

Jealousy uses our pride to see others with what we think we should have. We begin to harbor bitterness to them. We may even begin to say belittling things about them to build ourselves up by tearing them down.

In effect, pride will ultimately destroy you, but jealousy has adverse effects on all parties involved. Jealousy strains relationships. The strongest, longest lasting friendships can crumble in mere moments when jealousy is involved. Jealousy can very well be the most destructive force in the world.

Don't let it destroy you. Live in humility. I've heard it said that humility isn't thinking less of yourself, it's thinking of yourself less. Another part is thinking better of others than you currently do. 

No, your life isn't perfect. No one has a perfect life. We would do well to remember that. That "undeserving" person who has everything you want could very well be facing burdens that you may never be able to understand.

Let's stop comparing ourselves to other people. Let's allow ourselves to be satisfied with our current situations, trusting in God's provisions. Then, when greater things come our way, we will truly see them as blessings, gifts of grace, and not something that was owed to us all along.

Let's kill the disease. Only then can we truly live in God's perfect peace.


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