See What I'm Saying

I wish I could write images, because I see things a lot more clearly than I say them most of the time.

Words don't come as easily as I would like, or this blog would be a lot more active than it has been. I've been reminded by several of my writing friends that being able to write regularly comes with practice, and so it's practice that I need to get. I've recently found that words don't even flow from me talking as well as they once did, and to be completely honest, I'm not okay with that. And so, starting today, I will attempt to write daily.

I'm not limiting a time frame for this because I want it to become a habit. Hopefully the things I have to say in writing will find some way to benefit even one person. At this point, I'm hoping to benefit from them myself as well. One cool thing is, I'm already developing ideas for tomorrow's post.

I want my writings to serve two main purposes. The first is, I want my readers to have a window in which to look at my life and get to know me. The second (and more important) is, I want to have a ministry that has the ability to reach people that are generally out of my sphere of influence otherwise.

No, I can't write images (and I'm really not good at drawing...).  But perhaps my words will be able to show more than even I think they will. See what I'm saying?


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