
Showing posts from July, 2015

You Do Great Work!

As I was going through the security line at Chicago O'Hare International Airport, my grandpa and I were given a special greeting and a handshake from a Transportation Security Administration (the other TSA) worker. He recognized the navy-blue uniforms we were wearing, and used the opportunity of us walking through the line to thank us for the good work we do. After clearing the security checkpoint, the good Major and I made our way to the food court in our terminal for a between-flights dinner. The server at the Uno Express gave us both a 15% discount. In the past, I have had people pay for my meal at a restaurant as their way of giving back. I am always grateful for these occurrences, but I never expect them. When these things started happening, I wanted to turn them away. I don't do well with receiving compliments, probably because I don't think as highly of myself as some others seem to. However, when it comes to these gestures, I have learned to accept them when they