
Two days from now, I will be going in for my annual performance review. Having been through three of these since becoming an officer in The Salvation Army, I really don't mind going for it. In fact, I usually enjoy the feedback and recommendations for developing as an officer and as a person.

The hardest part of the entire process for me is completing the self-evaluation. I'm nervous that I may mark myself too high on a category and give the impression that I think too highly of myself. I also don't want to give too low a mark on something and seem self-deprecating. Any time I'm in that situation, it feels like a tightrope to walk and balance. I'd much rather just let someone else tell me what they think of me than tell them what I think of myself.

But then I remember that God has already given me the ability to appropriately evaluate myself. The Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 12:3 (New Living Translation), "Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us."

For everyone around us, their perception is their reality - even about you. When you're challenged with the task of evaluating yourself, remember that ultimately, God's perception of you is the only one that matters.


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